On December 2 the second call of the EENergy project was launched to strengthen the energy resilience of SMEs through direct financial support for the adoption of technological or non-technological solutions to improve energy efficiency. EENergy enables Enterprise Europe Network clients of any industry and size to apply for a grant of 10,000 € with 100% intensity for the implementation of energy efficiency improvements.
In addition, all the participants (both funded and regular beneficiaries) submit data on energy spending. This allows the World Bank to develop a study on to best support required by SMEs in order to strengthen their energy resilience.
In the second round, just over € 2 million euros are still left across the European Single Market. These will be drawn proportionally among all the applications submitted. To participate in the EENergy open call and become eligible for a grant, SMEs must work with Enterprise Europe Network sustainability advisors. These advisors will support interested SMEs in designing a customized energy efficiency action plan and submitting their application to the EENergy open call.
The application itself is straightforward and can be found on the project website, www.eenergy-project.eu.
The application must provide accurate information about the company itself, as well as the type of planned energy efficiency improvements and the anticipated funding to implement its action plan. From all eligible applications, SMEs will be selected at random to receive a grant of up to 10,000 euros.
All eligible applicants that participate in the open call, whether they receive the grant or not, will continue to benefit from the advisory services and assistance of the Enterprise Europe Network sustainability advisors during the implementation of their action plan. They will also receive anonymized reports benchmarking their energy efficiency performance to the one of all other applicants (with reference to size, sector and location).
When assisting companies in development of action plans EENergy will provide both tools and trainings for sustainability advisors. The information will be circulated in SG’s, TG’s and Connect. All the information on EENergy promotion can be found on www.eenergy-project.eu Marketing section and EENergy Connect.
More information on communication and promotion:
Dzintra Švarcbaha, dzintra.svarcbaha@techncenter.lv.
The EENergy project can also be found on social networking platforms Facebook and LinkedIn where the latest news on project activities are announced. In case of questions, feel free to contact people from your country listed on the www.eenergy-project.eu contact section. All of them are fellow members of Enterprise Europe Network.